
Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 7, 4th Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)

May 7, 2017
4th Sun Easter Good Shepherd Sunday
Acts 2:14a, 36–41; 1 Peter 2:20b–25; John 10:1–10

Today, Good Shepherd Sunday, the universal Church prays for more vocations, especially to the priesthood and religious life. One intention we can include in our prayers today is not just to pray for more shepherds, but to pray for more good shepherds. Shepherds are modern day leaders. How can we say that a leader is a good shepherd? Let us look at how Jesus describes what a good shepherd is in 3 points:

A GOOD SHEPHERD PASSES THRU JESUS THE GATE TO REACH THE SHEEP. How do we determine a true shepherd in distinction from a false shepherd? See what gate or what door they use in order to reach the sheep. Jesus says in the gospel, “I am the gate for the sheep.” False shepherds pass thru another door and not through Jesus - not through the ideals and teachings of Jesus. If the door is not Jesus, the gospel tells us that these shepherds are thieves. For example, we have many shepherds in our lives: parents, teachers, government leaders, church leaders, business men are shepherds. If we will use the door of power and ambition to reach you, we will not serve you, we will rather serve ourselves. If we enter through the gate of manipulation, we will use people for self-interest. Now we understand what Jesus means, if He is the gate that shepherds will use to reach the sheep – that is an indication that these are true and good shepherds.

THE SHEEP MUST BE DISCERNING OF THE HUMAN SHEPHERDS. For us who are sheep, we should ask ourselves what door did the human shepherds take in order to get in touch with the sheep? Is it the door of ambition, of power, of greed? Or is it the door of Jesus? For the shepherds here present, there are many doors available to us to reach the sheep, to reach the people entrusted to our care – please choose Jesus the door. For as the first and second reading tells us, Jesus is the door of our salvation and the model of what it means to be a good shepherd.

WE NEED TO PRAY THAT THE LORD MAY GIVE US GOOD SHEPHERDS. Today is also the Vocation Sunday. The Church asks us to pray that many young people, may respond to the call of priesthood and religious life. It is true that there is a shortage of priests in our Church. Just imagine, the ratio of priests to parishioners is roughly one to more than 20,000 baptized Catholics. What can we do to promote vocations? We need to pray and encourage the youth to generously respond to the call of the Lord to enter the priesthood and religious life. Aside from prayer we also need to live our faith. Priests and religious do not fall from the sky. They come from families, schools, communities or workplaces. If we strive to live our faith in these places, then perhaps people may be inspired to respond to the voice of the Good Shepherd.

My brothers and sisters, let us pray that the Lord may give us good shepherds. Let us pray for the human shepherds around us – Church leaders, government leaders, community leaders, parents, businessmen, and the like. Pray for us that we may always choose Jesus the door in fulfilling our role as shepherds. Amen.