30, 2017
Sunday of Easter
2:14, 22–33; 1 Peter 1:17–21; Luke 24:13–35
It is a human
experience that when our plans do not happen, we end up feeling disappointed.
Such was the feeling of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus in the Gospel
today. They were expecting Jesus to lead them in a revolt against their
oppressors. But when he died on the cross, they knew that what they had in mind
will not happen. That is why out of frustration they went away from Jerusalem
to go to Emmaus. The Gospel tells us that the road to Emmaus was a long walk –
7 miles away from Jerusalem. The disciples started walking on a bright
afternoon and they ended up with no more sunlight. I believe it was long walk
because the disciples were walking with a heavy heart. They were confused. They
were disappointed. It is precisely at this moment that the Risen Jesus, whom
they did not recognize, came and accompanied them in their journey. How can we
recognize the presence of the Risen Lord in moments of doubt, confusion and
LISTENING TO THE WORD OF GOD. This is what Peter pointed out in his
speech in the first reading. In trying to convince the Jews that Jesus is the Messiah,
he did not only give a narrative of the miracles and healings of Jesus. Peter
also quoted the word of God – the psalm of David – to emphasize his point that
Jesus is the messiah.
Isn’t it that in
the Gospel, Jesus did the same thing. The two disciples cannot reconcile the claim
that Jesus is the messiah. Because for them a messiah should always be
victorious and should never be defeated. What did Jesus do to enlighten their
minds? Jesus used the Word of God and explained to them about prophecy of the
suffering messiah. My dear friends, in moments of confusion, doubt and disappointment,
we can also recognize the presence of the Risen Lord, by listening to the Word
of God. Let us allow God’s Word to shed light in the darkness we experience so
that we may come to recognize the presence of the Risen Christ.
that we listen to the word of God. Listening must lead us to implement in our
lives what the Word of God is telling us. This is what Peter emphasizes in the
second reading. We were saved from slavery of sin by the precious blood of
Christ. The proper response to this gift is our resolution not to go back to
the old way of life – not go back to slavery to sin. How? Aside from listening
to God’s word, we need to implement it in our lives so that we may come to
recognize the presence of the Risen Christ who conquered sin and death for our
two disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized the presence of Jesus in the
reading of the Scriptures and breaking of the bread. These two symbols refer to
the Eucharist. This is a beautiful reminder of the real presence of the Risen
Christ in the Eucharist. Jesus does not
simply belong to the past. He is present here and now as we celebrate the
Eucharist. If only we are mindful of His presence, I am sure like the
disciples, our hearts will be burning.
As we continue
with the Eucharist, let us be mindful of the real presence of the risen Christ.
He comes and walks with us in the midst of our frustration and disappointments.
May our listening to God’s Word in this mass lead us to follow where the Risen
Christ guides us. Amen.