
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 01, 6th Sunday of Easter

May 1, 2016
6th Sunday of Easter
Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Psalm 67; Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23; John 14:23-29

I remember reading this interesting fact that scientists have discovered the effect of a tiger’s loud roar on other animals. The unique sound waves of a tiger’s terrifying roar can temporarily paralyze its prey with fear. So even if you have time to escape and avoid the tiger running after you, the tiger’s roar paralyzes you with fear so that you become its victim.

My brothers and sisters, our fears often operate in the same way. Our fears can paralyze us to the point that we cannot move on anymore. This is why Jesus in today’s gospel tells his disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Do not be afraid.” Don’t let fear paralyze you into inactivity. But why were his disciples afraid? Where is this fear coming from? What will Jesus give to them so that they may overcome their fear?

Let us reflect on these in three points:

THE DISCIPLES WERE AFRAID OF JESUS LEAVING THEM.  As we look forward to Jesus ascending into heaven next Sunday, the disciples were saddened and afraid when Jesus told them “I am going away.” They have gotten used to being with Jesus all the time: listening to his teachings and witnessing his miracles. Perhaps they were telling Jesus, “Isn’t it that you rose from the dead to be with us? Then why are you leaving us again?” Notice the deep desire and longing of the disciples to be with Jesus. Remember that they were guilty of leaving Jesus at the moment of his passion and death on the cross. They know how empty life could be without Jesus. That is why when Jesus rose again from the dead and appeared to them, they recognized the mistake they have done and all they want now is to be with Jesus.

These past days, we have seen how our candidates for the coming elections are aspiring and longing to win the elections. But how many of them also have that deep desire and longing for the Lord? How many of us actually long for the Lord? Like the experience of the disciples, may we all realize how empty, how meaningless life could be without Jesus. Jesus will have to leave his disciples to go to the Father in heaven. But He will give us another gift of his presence. What is that gift?

JESUS WILL SEND THE HOLY SPIRIT TO ASSURE THEM OF HIS PRESENCE. The irony is that Jesus had to leave so that his presence may all the more be felt by everyone. The physical presence of Jesus is limited only to a certain place at a certain time. Imagine if Jesus were with us now, his physical presence is limited by space and time. He can be present only in one place at a time. But since the Lord has sent the Holy Spirit – his spiritual presence – Jesus is present every time there is mass all throughout the world. His presence can be felt by many people all throughout the world at the same time. This is the beauty of the gift of the Holy Spirit as the spiritual presence of Jesus. What then is the fruit of the presence of the Holy Spirit?

THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL GIVE US THE PEACE OF JESUS. The peace of Jesus does not mean that we will have a comfortable and easy life. When confronted with difficulties, fear sometimes paralyze us. But if we have the Holy Spirit, if we have the spiritual presence of Jesus, we will have peace. The peace of Jesus will help us overcome our fears and move on. Isn’t this the experience of the disciples of Jesus? After Jesus ascended into heaven, they faced even greater persecution and trials. But they were not defeated because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. They were not paralyzed by their fear because they held on to Jesus who gave them peace. In the first reading the conflict of the first Christian community was resolved through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Peace was restored because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in them. This tells us that if we want to have peace, we need to hold on to Jesus. Because the absence of Jesus is the absence of peace.

In this mass let us pray for the grace that like the disciples, we may hold on to Jesus, long for His presence, be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit so that the peace of Christ may reign in our lives.  Amen.