
Friday, June 30, 2017

June 18, Corpus Christi Sunday

June 18, 2017
Corpus Christi Sunday 
Deuteronomy 8:2–3, 14b–16a; 1 Corinthians 10:16–17; John 6:51–58

If you try to google search in the internet “How to have a beautiful body,” you will surely find many tips telling you to watch your diet, exercise regularly and have a healthy lifestyle. But what does it mean to have a beautiful body?  Does it refer to a sexy body like that of the models and beauty queens? Does it refer to a strong body like that of the body builders and weight lifters?  Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We can say that a beautiful body is the broken body of Jesus on the cross. But how can it be considered as something beautiful? Let us reflect on this in three points.

THE BROKEN BODY OF CHRIST IS BEAUTIFUL BECAUSE IT GIVES LIFE TO ALL OF US.  If you look at the body of your parents and grandparents, notice the wrinkled and rough hands of your mother who cooked your food and washed your clothes. Notice the drooping shoulders of your father due to constant work. Notice the curve of your grandparents’ back as a result of silent sacrifice. All of these do not make their bodies sexy, strong and healthy. But they nevertheless make their bodies “beautiful.” They are signs of love, signs of selfless giving in order that you may live. This is what we see in the broken and wounded body of Christ on the cross. A body that gives life to others is a beautiful body. Our bodies become beautiful not because of makeup and other accessories. Our bodies become beautiful from the inside when there is selfless love and giving of oneself so that others may live. What particular sacrament reminds us of this reality?

JESUS GIVES US HIS BODY AND BLOOD IN THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST. Every time we go to mass, we do not only profess our faith that Jesus offered His physical body. The physical body of Christ experienced by the apostles is no longer with us. Jesus already ascended into heaven. But in every celebration of the Holy Eucharist, Jesus is really present in his Sacramental body. When we mean to say sacramental body, it is through the signs and symbols that Jesus becomes really present. Because when the priest says the words of consecration over the bread and wine, the bread ceases to become bread. The wine ceases to become wine. The bread and wine become the very body and blood of Christ. That is why whenever we receive communion, the priest or lay minister does not say “This is the symbol of Christ.” The priest and lay minister rather clearly says “The Body of Christ.” We affirm it by saying “Amen.” What we receive is not just ordinary bread. It is the real Body of Christ. But why does Jesus give us His Body in the Eucharist?

JESUS GIVES HIS BODY AND BLOOD FOR OUR OWN NOURISHMENT. I remember this conversation I had with a young guy who asked me this question: “Father, why do we have to go to mass every Sunday? To tell you honestly, I have already stopped going to mass these past weeks. And I do not feel motivated to go to mass again.” I told this young guy, “We go to mass every Sunday to feed our souls. Just as our body needs food to live, our soul also needs food to live. What happens if you stop feeding your soul? Your soul becomes malnourished, unhealthy and exposed to dangers.” The Eucharist is food for the soul. That is why Jesus says in today’s gospel: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Everyone who eats this bread will have life – not just any ordinary life but eternal life.”

My dear friends when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion at mass today, bear in mind that it is not just ordinary bread. St Thomas Aquinas calls it the bread of heaven, the bread of angels. What we receive in communion is the broken but beautiful body of Jesus. He is the food that nourishes and gives life to our souls.  Amen.