
Sunday, December 25, 2016

December 25, Christmas Day

December 25, 2016
Sunday: Christmas Day
Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18 or John 1:1-5, 9-14

Good morning and Merry Christmas to everyone! This is the day we have been waiting for. For four weeks during the Advent season, we have been praying: O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The good news is we did not wait in vain. We did not wait for nothing. For God fulfills his promise. A Savior is born for us. Let me share with you three points that would remind us of the significance of Christmas.

CHRISTMAS IS ALL ABOUT THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN OUR MIDST. How fitting it is that we celebrate Christmas by going to mass. Christmas is about Emmanuel meaning “God with Us”. This is what we celebrate every time we go to mass. Because every time the priest whispers the words: ‘This is my Body… this is my Blood’ over the bread and the chalice of wine, Jesus becomes present and that is Christmas.  I remember reading this chain message that has been circulating in Facebook. The point of the message says that for some, Christmas is not a happy event – some might have lost their loved ones, some are still suffering in sickness, some are still hurt. That is true. Christmas does not erase these realities we face in life. Christmas does not promise instant heaven. But what Christmas promises us is that here on earth, amidst all the challenges and crosses we have to face, God’s presence is there.  Emmanuel – God with us. Christmas reminds us that we are never alone in this life, for God is always with us.

CHRISTMAS SHOULD LEAD US TO A CHANGE OF HEART. Have you ever noticed that every time we celebrate Christmas, we hear the same Christmas songs, we see the same Christmas decors, we go to same Christmas parties, we receive gifts and we also give gifts to others. We keep on doing the same rituals year after year. We never get tired of repeating it again and again. We do not want Christmas celebration to change. Don’t worry. It is alright not to change our Christmas celebrations. It is alright to use the same decors every year, to hear the same Christmas carols every year, to hold reunions and parties every year. But there is one thing that should change in us every time we celebrate Christmas. There should be a renewal and change of heart.

Our first reading from Isaiah says, when the messiah comes, He will being renewal, restoration and a change of heart. It should never be the same old person.  It should never be the same sins, same quarrels, same hatred, same divisions. Christmas should bring us to renewal and a change of heart.

CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT OUR PRESENCE TO OUR LOVED ONES. The gift that God gave to us this Christmas is the gift of His very presence. The gift of Emmanuel – God-with-us.  I think it would be good to give the same gift of presence to our loved ones this Christmas.  I have already mentioned in one of my reflections during the Simbang Gabi that during this season, it is easy to send gifts, it is easy to send flowers, it is easy to forward Christmas greetings to our loved ones. But to give the gift of ourselves, to make time to be with our family - that is the gift that many people long for this Christmas. So this Christmas, I encourage you: spend quality time to be with your family and loved ones.

My brothers and sisters, Christmas is about Emmanuel - God’s presence in our midst.  This presence of Christ must lead us to a change of heart. In the same way as God gave the gift of his presence this Christmas, may we also give to our family and loved ones the priceless gift of our presence.  Amen.